
Bird Garden Hong Kong 雀鳥公園

The Hong Kong Bird Garden located at Yuen Po Street, near the Flower Market in Mongkok, which was completed in 1997. Its architectural style based on Chinese garden style. There have many shops which sells birds, birdcage and bird feeding. It is a very interesting place for tourist and photographer.

This album was taken in this month. I found so many other photographers doing the same, capturing images as I did, when I was been there. The most camera attractive star were the parrots, they have eye-catching colors and many different expressions too.



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Bird Garden Hong Kong 雀鳥公園

Hong Kong Flower Market 花墟

Hong Kong Flower Market - is located in Mongkok Flower Market Road, close to the Mongkok Police Station. It is a street that fills of fresh flower fragrance. Each time when I walk through the Flower Market, and saw those colorful riotous fresh flower, those green plants, my mood will become specially relaxed happy. Also, there are some old Chinese buildings with high historical and culture value, moreover was already listed by the government as legal historical site. Later on, the appearance of those old Chinese buildings more or less may have a little change. Therefore, I hoped that keeps down present's images of the colored Flower Market .

花墟...位於旺角太子鄰近旺角警署, 是一條充滿鮮花香味的街道。 我每次去到花墟, 看到那些七彩繽紛的鮮花和綠悠悠的綠色植物的時候, 我的心情就會變得特別輕鬆愉快. 而位於花墟的一列戰前舊唐樓更是很有歷史價值及文化特式, 而且已經被政府列為法定古蹟。 遲些那一列唐樓將會被保育及番新, 那裡的面貌或多或少都會有點改變。 所以, 我希望把現在的花墟影像留下來。

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Hong Kong Flower Market 花墟


Nga Tsin Wai Village 衙前圍村

I just have a first visit to the Nga Tsin Wai Village. Nga Tsin Wai Village is a walled village in Wong Tai Sin, New Kowloon (Hong Kong). It is the one of the few walled villages left in the urban built-up areas of Hong Kong. On July 18, 2007, the government announced its plans to reconstruct Nga Tsin Wai Village. This urban walled village will be disappear from us soon.

"衙前圍村"為於新浦崗邊. 是很有歷史的.也被稱為城市中的圍村. 圍村城牆早在大戰期間被日軍下令拆了. 這是我第一次步入衙前圍村, 也可能是最後一次. 因為好快會重建, 裡面有一大半屋已經被拆了.....

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